Tag Archives: philanthropy

Charities take a new look at investment

4 Apr

Ruth Sullivan  writes in the April 3, 2011 issue of the Financial Times:

Charities’ investments are more critical than ever to their survival and success in today’s tough economic environment. Government cuts and reduced donations are hitting the sector while demands on services increase.

FT.com / FTfm / The Big Picture – Charities take a new look at investment.

links for 2009-01-11

11 Jan

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8 Jan

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5 Jan

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1 Jan

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31 Dec

Simplify, Live Healthier, Empower Others, Give of Yourself

27 Dec

Om Malik’s recent post in GigaOm includes important lessons that can be applied to your personal or business life:

Lesson #1: Set simple goals
Lesson#2: Binary choices help make better decisions
Lesson #3: Simplification through elimination
Lesson#4: In your team you should trust

He concludes the article with an appeal to help his favorite charity – UCSF.

Read my take on Om’s life lessons here.

The New Era of Personal Charity

27 Dec

In the  post-Madoff  meltdown, is the face of philanthropy changing? Lucette Lagnado's thinks maybe so according to her  article in yesterday's Wall Street Journal"When the Big Spenders Fail, Who Will Save Jewish Charity?" Ms Lagnado points out that over the past two decades, Jewish charities were receiving more money, but from fewer donors. But today she says,  this trend might reverse itself– funding may go from the hands of the few to the power of many –what she calls "communal philanthropy" — and if that's the case, she doesn't think that's so bad. 

Here's my favorite quote from the article: 

"…in our post-Madoff universe I find myself longing for tzedakah,  or personal charity, that took place before the rise of the uber-Jewish foundations and zillionaire philanthropists…It would be lovely to see the return of little checks — the donations everyone could afford to give and often did…"

Are we moving to a Web 2.0 model of giving? I immediately thought of Facebook's "Groups" and "Causes" enabling millions of members around the world — of all types of financial means — to join and contribute to causes and charities they care most about.   The Defeat Dementia Facebook Group,   for example, connects caregivers, family, friends, and others who support one another in the fight against neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, CJD and FTD.   The New York Zen Center for Contemplative Care Group  helps support the underserved ill in NYC through chaplaincy work and training, contemplative care educational retreats, and outreach programs. Both are notable groups — please join.

Hoping that each one of us gives back in some way big or small in the New Year ahead.

The Next Wave of Social Media

4 Jul

Daisy Whitney’s New Media Minute features our Defeat Dementia YouTube
Channel as an example of the next wave of social media use. We’re at the beginning of a new trend…she claims that we are
“now seeing public service efforts, educational efforts demonstrate the
future direction of the business.”

You can watch it here.

O’Brien: Harnessing social media to find cure

4 Jul

UCSF uses YouTube channel, Facebook group and widget as part of integrated Defeat Dementia campaign. "The UCSF partnership, however, is particularly laudable because its impact could be much more profound: These efforts could have a tangible impact on the race to find a cure."

read more | digg story